Grammarly vs NetpeakChecker - Which writing assistant is better for SEO content-writing

August 18, 2021

Grammarly vs NetpeakChecker - Which writing assistant is better for SEO content-writing

Are you looking for a writing assistant that can help you write content optimized for SEO? Two of the most popular writing assistants on the market are Grammarly and NetpeakChecker. In this blog post, we will compare these two tools and help you decide which one is better suited for your specific needs.


Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that checks your text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It also offers suggestions for sentence structure, tone, and style. It can be used to check a variety of content types, including email, social media posts, and essays.

When it comes specifically to SEO content writing, Grammarly offers a variety of features. It checks your content for passive voice, long sentences, and other readability concerns that can impact your SEO rankings. It also checks your content for keyword density and offers suggestions for using related keywords.

One of the biggest advantages of Grammarly is its extensive database of writing rules and suggestions. It offers a variety of writing styles, including business, academic, and creative writing. It also offers a plagiarism checker, which is useful for SEO content-writing.

On the downside, Grammarly's free version has limited features, and you need a premium subscription to access its full potential.


NetpeakChecker is a suite of SEO tools that includes a writing assistant called Text Analyzer. It checks your content for errors, readability, and SEO optimization. It can also analyze your content for its tone and sentiment, which can be helpful if you want to evoke a specific emotion in your audience.

NetpeakChecker's Text Analyzer offers a variety of features specific to SEO content writing. It checks your content for keyword density, LSI keywords, and readability. It also offers a feature called "stop words", which helps identify words that might be hurting your SEO rankings.

Another advantage of NetpeakChecker is that it is an all-in-one SEO tool that can help you with your overall SEO strategy. It can analyze your website for on-page SEO optimization, as well as backlinks and social shares.

On the downside, NetpeakChecker's Text Analyzer is not as robust as Grammarly. It offers fewer writing suggestions and can sometimes miss errors in your content.


So, which tool is better for SEO content writing - Grammarly or NetpeakChecker? The answer depends on your specific needs. If you are looking for a comprehensive writing assistant that offers a variety of writing styles and suggestions, as well as a plagiarism checker, then Grammarly might be the better choice for you. However, if you are looking for an all-in-one SEO tool that can help you with your overall SEO strategy, then NetpeakChecker is worth considering.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference and budget. Both tools offer free versions, but if you want to access their full potential, you will need to purchase a subscription.


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